Monday, May 26, 2008

Now I can finaly sleep in my own bed^^

Hello everyone. Yes, finally after two weeks of hell, the Arby n Chief video has been completed, which is quite a relief. I'm now home from Jon's place, I wasn't really looking forward to the trip home, packing the car full of all my equipment I brought for the film. 3 large bags alone were the three light kits I brought to light all the indoor scenes. Then there was my camera and tripod we used for all the filming in the video. The of course I brought my computer and 360, among many other things, adding up to like 7 bags, haha.

Over all the CanWest weekend didn't turn out as great for myself as expected. One of the things I was waiting for the most was the Indiana Jones viewing on Saturday, but unfortunately after booking our asses there, and sprinting five blocks from the sky train to the theater, we arrived 10 minutes late and discovered it had been canceled. So I'll probably go watch it if I get a chance sometime. I did manage to get into the dinner that day which was already booked full, so I got to meet some cool people. I sat beside KP haha. Then alas we pulled another all nighter, because we still weren't done with small dumb things on the video. Well anyway, that morning, because of technical difficulties I had to stay behind to render out the upload version of the video for machinima. Luckily Jon made it on time with the completed video, but I had to wait for a 2 hour render to finish up, before I could upload it for Machinma. I only got there when the end credits were rolling. Well at least I was there to hear the crowd applauded Jon. But honestly the main thing I was looking forward to at the event, was how the crowds reacted to the different scenes during the viewing. Well I hope I don't miss that moment if I participate in CanWest next year. After the show, we went to the bar with halo community people. Also met some cool people there, but unfortunately we were both too tired to stay for long.

Well if I do participate at CanWest next year, I'll probably do something solo. I've taken school and have been studying 3d modeling and animation, but I haven't put it to too much use yet. And that would be a cool opportunity to do a short CG video for. Well anyway, for now, I hope I have time to work on some of my own smaller projects.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Greatings and Current Events

Hello all, this is D Laz/Lemur. Some of you might know me from coming across my "Halo: Epic Movie" machinima, or from hearing about my current collaboration with DigitalP33r's Arby n' Chief special. I wasn't really planning on setting up a blog, but Jon suggested I do, before we finished up the video for the CanWest event.
I have known Jon in person for way over a decade, and have collaborated on smaller projects as we went to school together. So when he asked me to help out on his upcoming Arby n' Chief episode, it was great to join forces again like good old times :) We are actually working on finishing the video at this very moment, after two weeks of grueling work on it. I guess I'll give you a rundown on the production, since it is my first blog post.
Naturally, he wrote the script for this episode of his series, though we did bounce off a number of ideas off of each other as he was writing it, and we did develop a couple of epic scenes together, lolz. But I don't take any credit for the usual Arby n Chief brilliance he pulls off every other week :3 I was responsible for bringing lots of the equipment to help out on the filming (better video camera, lighting kits, some miscellaneous props, MC double, ect). We did most of the filming together, and "acting" out the machinima on system link (8 controllers isn't so easy for two people to handle, lolz). Jon did all the machinima capturing and all the editing. Despite the fact that we are aiming for a 25 minute video we have many many hours of footage we filmed and captured. I am responsible for the visual effects in the film. Yes there isn't much, most of it lasts split seconds, but it still did take over a week of work on most of them. I guess in the outcome it'll give the video a bit of extra sparkle here and there. Tedious but fun to do stuff :3 Well we have like a day left to finish everything, but I'm sure it'll all get done on time.
Now I tiny bit about my gaming side before I leave. I love video games but I rarely ever do have time to play them, or affording new games I want to get. I still have lots of education and such to worry about to get into my career. So my lack of time on xbox live is the reason I will not give out my gamer tag or accept random unknown friends requests showing up on my account, I want to keep my list as small as possible. And no I won't ask Jon to add you to his list, or how to get Recon either. I rarely play Halo anymore, and when I do, I just play social slayer or something, I honestly don't even give the slightest crap about rank. I like games, and would like to spend more time with them, but I'd rather sit down and do some productive art or something, rather then sit on my ass in front of the tv for multiple hours.
As a side note, I will state now that I won't help out with anyones machinima, because I lack the time to do even my own stuff. I have gotten multiple requests to help out with Machinima on Youtube, but please don't take it to offense if I don't respond. Well I'm not sure how often I will update this blog, but I will try to post somewhat frequently. And hopefully I'll have time for some of my own Machinima before I get into my full time course in September :0 Well till next time!