Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Alas! A new series!

*EDIT 2*
Finally up on both and Youtube!

Youtube: Link

*End of EDIT*

Hey kids! long time no update. But finally some new material!
Well same old news with my xbox 360, faulty disk drive that can't read my games. But miraculously I was able to put Halo 3 on my HD (unfortunately none of my other games would). Halo 3 isn't enough for me to invest in xbl again, but at least I have something to make machinima with.
I just finished rendering out a new halo 3 film. This video is a prequel to an upcoming series of mine, called "Terrorman". I'm uploading it to in a few minutes. Hoping they upload it on youtube and their website soon, you'll get a taste of the TERROR soon enough.
My typical over-theatrics, so expect plenty of head bobbing and cheesy lines, Heh.
Guest voices Ganthir & Sp00nerism. They both did magnificent jobs, plenty enthusiasm and dedication. Thanks again chums, can't wait to work with you guys again!

I also do have some pc machinima in the works, I'll just need to find the free time to finish up on thus and other projects.

Cheers kidys!